“Have to” to “Get to”

“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done”. These words sit closely to me in this season of life. The time is coming that I walk across the stage and receive my diploma and start a new stage of life after college, a season …

Getting Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

We as humans have unique tendencies. We have a weird way of shifting who we are and what we do based off of those around us. Don’t think I am shaming you, I’m not. I can think of countless ways that I have conformed myself, made decisions, and have grown to be like those around …

Find Your Home

By Rourke Mullins, Hope College Senior Here it is, you’re 18 years old and the moment has come when you are asked (a lot) to answer one of the most important questions of your young life so far: “Where are you going to college?” It can be daunting question. For me, it created a pit in my …