Welcome back to the Orientation blog! Today, we are have the pleasure of featuring the amazing Step2Success Coordinators, Isabella and Jacob.


Hello incoming freshmen! I’ve been asked to give you some advice. I am no expert, but I hope that these words will be a form of encouragement and guidance for you.

Go one day at a time.

Coming to college is a big transition and it is a time of excitement, nervousness, and a whole lot of other emotions. This may be your first time away from home for this long and you may be feeling scared about the future. You may be nervous about coming to a new environment and how you will fit. You could also be feeling extremely excited for independence and creating a small world for yourself away from home. Wherever you may fall on the spectrum, taking it one day at a time is key. 

Sometimes college can be glamorized as a place where you find everything. You find your people, you find your groove, you have the best classes. I am here to tell you something you might’ve heard already: it takes time. All of the plans you have right now may look different in the next few months, and that’s okay. Also, everything could turn out exactly how you want it right away, and that’s okay too. I would encourage you to give yourself grace as you set goals and work through this journey. Remember that this is a new space you are navigating. Remember that there are people here like myself (still figuring things out) that would love to help you! Remember that you have made it this far and that in itself, is a victory. Remember that you’re still growing and learning. Every day will come with its highs and lows but you will make it. One day at a time!

Remember that you have made it this far and that in itself, is a victory.

Jacob’s advice:

Come as you are!

I remember the first time I came to Hope College. It was in June, two months after I had made my decision to attend Hope. I spent about two days there, learning about some of the programs they had. There were programs like Phelps Scholars, Summer Bridge, and Step2Success, the latter being the one I’m a part of now as a rising junior. When I met my admissions representative, I told her that I just wanted to be myself and not try to label myself with any group immediately (such as race, ethnicity, social class, etc.). It wasn’t based on shame or guilt, it was more of trying to discover myself more and seeing what meaning those labels had towards me.

 I think the advice that I would offer towards the incoming freshmen is to not immediately label yourself, but to rather approach college as a way of discovering who you are. College is a time to dive in and do all the things that interest you. It’s also the time to research the topics that make you curious and help you see things from a different perspective. This should be a part of each individual’s journey. The more you commit to learning, the more understanding you become. 

Approach college as a way of discovering who you are.

Thank you Isabella and Jacob for your wonderful words! Make sure to follow Step2Success on Instagram @hopestep2success for more updates.

Isabella Musherure is a rising Junior from Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Her favorite Hope tradition is SAC’s Coffeehouse and late night conversations with friends. Jacob Beyen is a rising Junior from Germantown, Maryland. His favorite thing to do around Holland is to go to Crust54 for pizza!

Published by Student Orientation

Hope College New Student Orientation strives to create a smooth and welcoming transition to college for students and their families.

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