Off-Campus Study

Academics in London

“This will not be a cookie cutter class that some of you may be used to, gear up!” These were the first words spoken from one of my professors in London during the first class. I knew at that moment that I was in for a treat. A good treat that is! 

As I have been in my classes for two weeks now, I have been able to gain a taste of what my academic experience will be like abroad. To say the least, I am confident that by the time the semester is over, this will be my favorite throughout my four years of college. As a student who is going into a health profession, I have naturally had very similar schedules throughout the six semesters I have been at Hope. A schedule that is heavily filled with labs and science classes. This semester is far from that. All of my classes are specific to the history of London, England, and Europe as a whole. We often make connections and comparisons back to the U.S. but our professors make sure we are getting the education and history of London that we came here for.

IES Abroad Center
This is the location where I take most of my classes. From the outside, it looks just like a normal building blending in with all the others. On the inside however, it’s bustling with activity and welcoming people from all over the world!

I am fulfilling the rest of my general education requirements abroad as well as classes that interest me. With about 5-8 students making up most of the classes, this leaves room for engaging discussions that are hard to find elsewhere in a classroom setting. I say classroom setting but in reality, most of my classes are not in a typical room. As London is home to some of the most famous museums and galleries in the world, a lot of time is devoted to these places! 

The British Museum
This was one of the first museums I visited for my architecture class. The breadth of history and collected artifacts this museum has is quite astonishing. Displayed above is Bust of Rameses the Great. An original colossal bust of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses II, one of the museum’s prized possessions!
Buckingham Palace
A trip to London wouldn’t be complete of course without visiting the home of the Queen. Finally seeing it in person was quite a treat!

I am looking forward to a class starting in October that I will be taking through a local university here in London! This will enable me to learn amongst local British students as well as other students from all over the world! As a final thought, when your classes don’t feel like classes at all… you know you’re in the right place!

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