Web of Science

Congratulations are in order for David Myers of the Psychology Department, whose 1995 article in Psychological Science entitled “Who is Happy” (available to Hope users) (co-authored by Ed Diener of the University of Illinois) has just become the most-cited article produced at Hope College. According to the Web of Science database, Professor Myer’s article has been cited 392 times, surpassing Mike Doyle’s 1981 article “Oxidation of Nitrogen-Oxides by Bound Dioxygen in Hemoproteins”, which has been cited 391 times.

Web of Science is comprised of the Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It indexes premier journals in every discipline, and allows users to search both forward and backward. You can find citations for your topic and link to the references cited in those papers, and you can also link to articles written after the one you found that have cited it. As in this case, Web of Science can show how many times an article has been cited, and link to those records. This is an excellent way to see how a topic develops over time. Web of Science also provides seamless access to EndNoteWeb, a citation manager. Use this database to store citations to records for all your projects, with all of the citations grouped together by project for easy access. EndNote Web interacts with MS Word to allow for the easy creation of bibliographies.

Please contact the Reference Desk (395-7904 or askalibrarian@hope.edu) if you would like more information or training on either Web of Science or EndNoteWeb.

— Dave O’Brien, Head of Access Services

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