
The library is sponsoring BrowZine, a new tablet application that allows you to browse, read and monitor many of the library’s scholarly journals, all in a format optimized for your iPad or Android tablet! Built to accompany your searching needs, items found in BrowZine can easily be synced up with Zotero, Dropbox or several other …

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new academic year! We’ve been super busy at the library this summer. Catch up on our activities here and here. Starting on Tuesday, 8/27, our regular hours for Fall 2013 are: Mon-Thu: 8am – MidnightFri: 8am – 6pm Sat: 10am – 6pm Sun: Noon – Midnight  We want your experience to be the best it …

Introducing 1Search

Have you searched the library (online) lately?  If so, you probably noticed something different. That something is the library’s new “discovery tool,” 1Search, which is now prominently featured front and center on the library homepage.  With 1Search, you can start exploring the library’s diverse collections and online holdings from a single search box.  Books and …