A Transformational Visit: Building Bridges Between Hope Forward and The Hope-Western Prison Education Program

Jumping up from his seat, a student works out a theory on the whiteboard to better understand a concept in Dr. Griffin’s neuroscience class. He draws connections between the reading from the text, his personal faith and prior lessons. The students, fully engaged, nod in agreement with follow-up questions flowing. Similarly, in Dr. Andre’s pottery …

Choosing How to Live

Live authentically with no apologies. That’s a mantra Hope College alumna and world record holder Jenn Drummond ’01 lives by. It’s something she learned as a student on Hope’s campus. And it’s a foundational concept underlying our Hope Forward program. Drummond, who is the first woman to reach all seven Second Summits (the second-highest mountains …

Positive Impact Banquet

Sitting at a recent Hope Forward Positive Impact Banquet, I had a realization. While the freshmen students were thanking the guests they invited for the positive impact that they had on them during their first year on campus, perhaps the bigger impact has been how the Hope Forward cohort has positively affected the Hope College …

Immersed in Hope: Nashville, Tennessee 

Hope College Spring Break Immersion Trips change students’ perspectives. This year’s trip to Nashville changed mine. Hope College Campus Ministries offers these opportunities for students to travel domestically and internationally. The goal of the short-term service-learning experience is to fully immerse students in an environment, focusing on living out our Christian faith of loving God …

Growing in Generosity

Generosity and giving are anything but boring for Hope Forward students. Some hyperextended elbows, performed 32 fouettés (famous Swan Lake ballet move), did cartwheels, solved a Rubix cube puzzle while on a balance board, impersonated zombie sounds from Minecraft and shared many other unique talents all in the name of generosity. Hope Forward program juniors …

Student Art Sparks Hope and Dreams

In order to do the art project, students revisit the original essay they wrote during the Hope Forward application process and consider what their past means for their present and future. The following questions guide reflection: Why did you apply to Hope Forward? Why did you apply to Hope College?What has changed since last year? …

The Gift of Presence

What is presence? I wouldn’t know because I have always evaded the feeling. Since I was a child, I was on the move–waking up early or dragging my sister out the door so we wouldn’t be “late” to school. I didn’t like slowing down because life was about busyness and never losing a moment. When …

Hope Parents’ Gift will Change Lives

Nancy Estabrook walked away from a gathering in Carmel, Ind., where President Matthew Scogin talked about Hope Forward, inspired that she could be a part of changing students’ lives. She and her husband, Neil, decided soon after the meeting for friends, parents and alumni of Hope College that they wanted to give to support Hope …

A Contagious Gift

To celebrate the most generous day of the year, our students want to share with you what they would want to say to the people who have made their Hope College education possible. We currently have 80 students on our campus receiving the gift of a fully funded education because of generous people like you …

Unable to Retire from Giving | Bill Moreau ’76

Retired faculty, Bill Moreau ’76, is working to give back to the student body of Hope College. Bill didn’t know what he wanted to do after college but was always sure about one thing: helping people. He taught at Hamilton High School at the same time he was teaching at Hope. Simultaneously teaching secondary and …