Charlyn Pelter ’15 DeWitt graduated from Hope College with a dual degree in psychology and sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice. She then went on to work as a law clerk at various firms and as a research assistant at UC Davis School of Law as she worked towards a law degree. In 2018, she graduated with a law degree from University of California, Davis and now works at Legal Services of Northern California. She is using her legal gift to impact the world for good. At Hope, she participated in theater productions and Student Congress.
What was a favorite memory while you were a student at Hope?
My favorite Hope memories are late-night donut runs and studying in the Kletz. I could walk into the Kletz any afternoon and find friends to visit with.
How are you a different person today because of your Hope experience?
Hope helped me to think globally about problem-solving and to treat everyone as a person with dignity, created in the image of God.
What was your favorite food at Phelps?
Anything from the vegetarian station!
What is something you love about your job/career path?
I love the opportunity to empower people to fight for their own rights. To help someone get a win when they don’t feel like they have any hope is an amazing experience.
What spot on campus do you miss the most?
Dimnent Chapel
What was your favorite class you took at Hope? Why?
Senior Seminar with Professor John Shaughnessy
What has been the highlight of your professional career?
Winning my first trial, which allowed my clients to keep their apartment.
Hope College is proud to honor Charlyn Pelter ’15 DeWitt with the 2020 10 Under 10 Award. The “10 Under 10 Awards” honors emerging leaders who are making significant contributions by living out their callings; engaged in the local and global community through professional and/or volunteer involvement; and use their education to think about important issues with wisdom and clarity, communicate effectively to bridge boundaries that divide human communities and act as agents of hope living faithfully into their vocations. Designed for alumni who are within 10 years of graduation, they are presented by the Hope College Alumni Association. Make a nomination today!