Why Study The Classics: An Exploration of Dr. Roosevelt Montas’ Life, Lecture, and Book

In order to answer this question of “why study the classics,” first we must define “the classics.” Wai Chee Dimock, English professor at Yale University, states in her article for The New York Times, “classics are classics because we aren’t done with them yet,” or to put it another way, classics are classics because they …

Takeaways from Circe

Part of the joy of the Big Read Lakeshore program is reading a book on your own and then learning about the book from different perspectives.  One of my biggest takeaways from the programming around Circe was how ingrained storytelling and myths are in culture. Every civilization has stories and oral traditions to pass down …

Greek Mythology and General Education 

You might be wondering, is Greek Mythology really relevant today? Well, in order to fully understand just how relevant it is, you first need to understand Greek mythology. Mythology is important for the understanding of history, art, and literature. Science, philosophy, psychology, astronomy, and many other topics were heavily influenced by Greek myth. This is …

The Odyssey: Choosing a Translation

With over 60 English translations, knowing which translation of The Odyssey to read can be difficult.  In the original Greek, The Odyssey is in blank verse, using dactylic hexameter, both of which are common attributes of Greek and Latin poetry. Some translators of The Odyssey choose to keep their translation in blank verse while others …

So You Want to Learn About Greek Mythology?

Question: Why did Achilles pull over to the side of the road?  Answer: He heard Sirens. Question: What game do Greek Gods play at birthday parties?  Answer: Hydra and go seek. Question: What did Poseidon say to the sea monster? Answer: What’s Kraken? If you are not laughing, either you do not have a sense …

Heroes and the Home

They say home is where the heart is a trend which is true for many heroes as they leave home to embark on the hero’s journey.  In one of the Big Read meetings for our area teachers, participants were asked what aspect of home they miss most when they go away from home. I answered …

What to Know Before Reading The Odyssey

Who is Homer?  Homer is a Greek poet born between the 12th and 8th centuries BC. Scholars know very little about Homer other than the fact that he wrote both The Iliad and The Odyssey. What is an Epic Poem?  Both The Iliad and The Odyssey are epic poems. This means that the texts are …

How Does the Odyssey Relate to Circe?

As you probably know, the Big Read’s 2022 book selection is Circe by Madeline Miller. Our program also selected several middle-grade books and a little grade book. One of our big-grade and middle-grade reads is a version of Homer’s The Odyssey.  You may be wondering why our program selected this book. It is not exactly …

Read Circe with us!

We are so excited to have Lakeshore readers read our 2022 book (Circe by Madeline Miller) and start conversations about its topics and themes.  This year we will be featuring many different books throughout the level that bring our themes together. Check out more about our various age group selections on our website. We made …