Classics Recommendations from the Big Read Lakeshore Team

Here at the Big Read Lakeshore team, we are united by our love for books. During one of our last meetings, the topic of our favorite classic works came up, and it was awesome to see the wide variety of works that have left an impact on our team members in many ways. We decided …

Why Study The Classics: An Exploration of Dr. Roosevelt Montas’ Life, Lecture, and Book

In order to answer this question of “why study the classics,” first we must define “the classics.” Wai Chee Dimock, English professor at Yale University, states in her article for The New York Times, “classics are classics because we aren’t done with them yet,” or to put it another way, classics are classics because they …

From Pages to Screen: Book Adaptations in 2024

With movies and shows like Dune and Bridgerton coming out this year, there has been a lot of talk around book to movie/ TV show adaptations. While the changes that are made to change these stories from a book into a more visual media can be controversial, there have also been great adaptations that can …

Byron Borger’s Bookshelf

As part of Byron Borger’s lecture on Thursday, November 9, he mentioned, quoted, or read from a variety of literature, all of which he recommended to the audience as “good books.” Here are his book recommendations in no particular order:  Enjoy your reading!

Why Read Graphic Novels?

By Hannah Lever The tenth annual NEA Big Read is about to begin! But something is different this year. For the first time ever, one of the chosen books is a graphic novel! The Middle Read book this year is New Kid by Jerry Craft. Published in 2019, it is the first graphic novel to …

Remembering: The First Five Years

Here at the Big Read, we are excited to be getting closer to announcing our book for the 2023 program. As we approach the tenth anniversary of the Big Read Lakeshore program, we want to take the time to look back at where we started with the first five books. The Big Read started in …

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” ~Dr. Seuss: Films for Women’s History Month

By Teisha Struik-Kothe  As a celebration of Women’s History Month, each week a Hope College professor or student will recommend their favorite books or films dealing with issues facing women today and throughout history. This week is dedicated to movies and films and is written by Dr. Teisha Struik-Kothe, an Assistant Professor of Instruction. As …

Celebrating Women’s History Month: Children’s Literature

By Alyssa Whitford  As a celebration of Women’s History Month, each week a Hope College professor or student will recommend their favorite books or films dealing with issues facing women today and throughout history. This week is dedicated to children’s literature and is written by Dr. Alyssa Whitford, an associate professor of Education. As a …

Wonder While You Wander: Black Children in the Outdoors

By Jesus Montaño  As a celebration of Black History Month, each week a Hope College professor or student will recommend their favorite books or films dealing with issues facing Black Americans today and throughout history. This week is dedicated to children’s literature and is written by Dr. Jesus Montaño, an associate professor of English. As …

Celebrating Black History Month: Young Adult Literature

As a celebration of Black History Month, each week a Hope College professor or student will recommend their favorite books or films dealing with issues facing Black Americans today and throughout history. This first week is dedicated to Young Adult literature. Book: Gifted Hands by Ben Carson (1990) Reading Level: 3rd-5th grade Gifted Hands is …