Life at Hope College

Why 2015 is the Best Year Yet

Despite the fact that it’s only February and we still have 10 months to go, 2015 has already proved to be the best year yet (for me at least). So much good news has come this year, and I am looking forward to so many things things year which is exciting! Let me tell you about the most exciting things that are coming up.

NACA (National Association for Campus Activities)
Where: Minneapolis, MN
When: February 14-16
What: This conference is an important one. Along with my other directors for SAC and a student life adviser, our purpose is to find talent to bring to Hope College not only to provide entertainment, but also provide an enriching experience for our students. This process is confusing, but so much fun at the same time. This year, the conference is in Minneapolis which will be fun and exciting! Last year, it was in Boston, but I was unable to go. I am beyond excited to go this year and scout out possible artists for the 2015-2016 school year! I can’t believe everything is happening so early!

Spring Break Trip to POLSKA!
Where: Gdansk, Warsaw, and Krakow POLSKA (Poland in Polish)
When: March 11-March 22
What: Well, seeing as it is my last spring break as an undergraduate student, I thought it was appropriate to “go big.” And so I did. I had a plan since this past August with my friend Dimitrie. I told him that we are going to travel for spring break. First, it was back to Vienna, then it was to Vietnam, but we landed on Poland. Why? For starters, it’s cheap! Secondly, there is so much history and culture to experience. Lastly, it’s an unconventional place to visit! When people go to Europe, it’s usually Spain or France. Don’t get me wrong, they’re wonderful places and would like to travel there also, but it’s cliché. So we’re going to Poland! I am excited for everything, especially our visit to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. It will be one heck of a learning experience.

Picture taken by kishjar? from Flickr.

Where: Hope College
When: May 3
What: 4 years later, I am finally getting my undergraduate degree (Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing). It really doesn’t feel like 4 years has gone by, but it has. I am on track to graduate, and at this point, I am ready for a break from academia. I have already started a countdown because it’s reality, people. Some may get irritated at me that I have a countdown, but that’s their problem. They’re just not ready. But I am. I am ready to live in the world and I am beyond ready to apply my Hope College education.

Picture from Hope College. I can’t believe that’s what I’l be doing this coming May!

Where: Cameroon, Africa
When: September 2015-November 2017
What: Where to even begin. First of all, I am beyond excited to be joining the Peace Corps! Make sure you check out my blog dedicated to my Peace Corps Journey, L’Afrique en Miniature. Anyway, I will be serving in Cameroon as a community health educator focusing on maternal and child health. What a perfect role for me seeing as I will be coming out of nursing school. After my service, I want to go to graduate school, and community health is one of my interests! After a long period of waiting, my time has come to serve!

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