Life at Hope College

The First Snow Has Arrived!

The first snow always brings two sentiments to the students. The first one is comforting, because snow makes campus even more beautiful and it creates the true Christmas atmosphere. Especially with all the Christmas lights around campus starting to shine. The second feeling is negative. The first snow is a clear sign of a beginning of a long and cold winter. In the theme of cold and long winter here are three important tips to keep on mind, which makes long and cold winter in Michigan more livable.

1. Wear a winter a heat or beanie.

Believe or not, wearing a winter hat is one of the most important things to wear while being outside during extremely low temperatures, and still a lot of people do not do it. More than 50% of the whole body heat leaves through the head, if one does not wear a hat or a beanie. It makes a major difference in keeping body warm.

Picture is clear. Wear a winter hat!

2. Dress in layers.

Dressing in multiple layers is the best way to keep as much heat as possible. Firstly, it creates multiple “zones” or “barriers” which the heat needs to beat to leave the body. It is better to have three or four different layers than one heavy sweater under the jacket. Secondly, due to quick weather changes in Michigan, the temperatures are changing all the time, which causes students  to dress warmly for their first class, but after the class they feel hot because the sun came out. If a student is wearing a multiple layers, one can just put one or two layers in the school bag and feel comfortable.

This is what dressing in layers means graphically.

3. Drink a lot of water!

Yes, during winter people do not sweat, but the body is made up from more than 70% of water. Because of this, people lose a lot of water by simply breathing and from the steam that comes from their mouth. Many people do not realize these facts, which results in dehydration without even knowing it. So drinking plenty of water in winter is as important as doing it during the summer time.

Drinking a lot of water in winter is extremely important, despite the fact that people do not sweat.
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