Life at Hope College

Back For Another Year!!!

Well, hello there! 
If you were looking for a blog to learn more about Hope College and
student life, you’re in the right place! This is my first year doing this blog
for Hope College, so let me introduce myself first and foremost. I’m going to
answer all of those questions everyone asks during orientation: Where are you from? Santa Ana,
California. What year are you? Sophomore.
What are you majoring in? Exercise
Science. What’s one random fact about
I love mint chip ice cream. Now that you are briefed with who I am and
where I’m from, let me update you on the first days back at Hope this year.

Move-in Day: Three words can describe this: Hectic,
hot, oh and very hectic. If you’re like me and have your dorm room on the third
floor and with absolutely zip air conditioning, you’d agree with me that
jumping in Lake Michigan was the one thing I wanted to do the most. Even though
the heat and humidity was not the highlight of the day, I forgot all about it
after all of the excitement of seeing friends from last year and simply people
you recognize on campus. The atmosphere was so uplifting and exciting because
everyone was so pumped for another year at Hope and making new memories. If
you’re a prospective student and think that moving in is the most overwhelming
experience ever, don’t think that. Although it’s scary, you will never feel
alone. Seriously. All of the orientation leaders run out to your cars and help
bring your bags to your room and BAM! You’ve already made like five friends
without even having to do anything. That just describes Hope and the
friendliness it exudes all of the time. 

Groovin’ the Grove: There is such a sense of
community on this campus, it’s unbelievable. No other school will have worship
and singing activities in the center of campus, but they sure do at Hope. Each
year, Hope has the worship band playing in the Pine Grove for about two hours
in which everybody is singing along, grooving, and something I noticed this
year, was getting bug bites. It was ridiculous how many bugs were out that
night, but nobody really cares when he or she’s with friends and just have a
good ole time.

Movie in the Pine Grove: What a great way to get the whole campus together! Since The Hunger Games was being shown, it was especially fun sitting under the stars with friends and quoting every line. What great timing because right after the movie ended, the sprinklers went off and got only a few people wet! All I can say is: REFRESHING!

“May the odds be ever in your favor”

— The Hunger Games

Waffle House: After the first week of classes, the only thing people were thinking about was the weekend ahead…especially how much we wished we had Labor Day off. Despite the feeling of being overwhelmed, Hope Ministries had a Waffle/Pancake night that offered a great stress-reliever. What better way to start the weekend than eating some chocolate chip pancakes and winding down in anticipation of the following week.

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