For all of you out there, you may have heard through the media that a super typhoon nearly destroyed my beloved homeland, the Philippines. I just wanted to post about it because the Philippines is so close and dear to me. Before I continue, let’s clear the air on a few things:
- Hurricanes and typhoons are the SAME. They are termed differently because of location. Hurricanes = Atlantic Ocean / Typhoons = Pacific Ocean.
- Hurricanes and typhoons are categorized in the same way.
- The World Meteorological Organization names typhoons, so it can be classified internationally, but many countries name them differently.
Ok, back on topic. Last Friday, Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda in the Philippines) hit the central geographical location of the country. This region is also called Visayas (In the US, we have The Midwest, The Appalachians, etc…). It was also called a super typhoon because it exceeding the classifications of the strongest given category. Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) had consistent winds of 195 mph and gusts that reached 235 mph. Now, I know it seems as if I’m teaching, but I want to give you the facts. Now that we have them, let’s further explore the damage that this disaster caused.
Haiyan (Yolanda) before landfall put over 10 million Filipinos at risk. Since landfall, it was also estimated that more than 10,000 lives had been lost. This makes Haiyan (Yolanda), the deadliest tropical storm to ever strike the Philippines. So, why am I giving more facts? It’s important to know, especially when we’re on the other side of the ocean. Just because there’s a geographical disconnect between the United States and the Philippines, this could make us feel “sorry” or “terrible” that such an event happened. As people of God, and citizens of the United States, it should be important to help the Philippines out in every way. Another interesting fact; The Filipino economy was the fastest-growing economy in Asia, surpassing developed countries such as Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. But, because of this storm, all operations came to a halt, again affecting the country negatively.
How do I relate to this? My family and friends were affected by the storm. For a few days, there was a consistent stress and worry because we could not get into contact with them due to loss of power. As of Monday, we finally heard from my family and they are all safe. Thanks again to those with the prayers and words of encouragement. And a special shoutout to my friends for being so supportive!
Now, the proud nation of the Philippines is in a state of emergency. As you may have noticed, on Facebook, there is the option to donate money through the American Red Cross to help the disaster in the Philippines. I urge every single one of you to donate if you are able to do so. Doing so provides shelters for those without one, food, clean drinking water, and necessities for everyday like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. The American Red Cross in partnership with the American Red Cross are doing everything in their power to help the Filipino citizens. Click here to go to the donation page. If you do not have the means to donate, simply pray. Pray for the nation, it’s government, and its people. There is so much out there on the media with ways you can help. Click here for other ways to help out my beloved nation of The Philippines.
Sorry I blogged so late folks, but for real, expect another one very soon. Make sure you share and tell those around you the significance of this event.
“The Filipino spirit is stronger than any typhoon.”