Life at Hope College

Reflections on the First Week Back

College is classes, friends, homework, studying, student groups, work; in short, college is a lot. When you come from a stress-free summer where your daily schedule only consisted of work, friends from home, and hobbies, the transition can be a little strange.

During the first week of classes, you’re prepped for the entire semester. Most professors give you a schedule of what the next few months should look like – when your big exams will be, when your ten page papers will be due. At the same time, the groups you’re a part of are talking about how often they’ll meet and the expectations that they have of you as well. You blink once and you’re getting homework and (if you have an on-campus job) working.

Where do you make time to breathe?

At Hope College, there’s one answer to that for me: Chapel.

I’m so grateful for the little chances I get here to wind down and bring my feet back to the ground. Being only 20-ish minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, going to the Chapel service gets me through the week. It reminds me of the real reason that we’re all here. Here as in here on earth, not here at Hope College. Life is so much more than the grades we get, the people we know, or the groups that we’re a part of.

Hope also puts on the Gathering every Sunday night, which I’m looking forward to as well. It’s a great way to start your week and often a good homework break on a Sunday night.

College life can be busy, which is why I’m so glad that Hope not only values our education but also our well-being. Being back on campus is stressful, but only if you forget to let go of the things that hold you down.

Here’s a gallery of some pictures from my first week back! There’s been a lot of fun things going on from the farmer’s market downtown to soccer games and worship nights.

Thanks for reading,


If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Facebook, or my Twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

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