Life at Hope College

It’s All About Fall

It’s been two weeks since Fall Break has ended, but autumn has just begun – and on campus, many of us are psyched to bring back the UGGS, pumpkin spice lattes, beanies, and all of the leaf jumping and as many afternoon Starbucks runs that can fit into a college student’s schedule.

I’ll admit it. I’m a lover of lattes and leggings, and once the cold weather hits, I’m wearing a hat and floppy sweater 24/7. And, if you take the time to look around campus, many of us are jumping right into this trend.

But this trend has the capacity to go deeper than the surface. It’s not just about the clothes one wears or lattes one drinks.

It’s about the heart. If we were to join together and share the same love for one another and God’s creation that we do for UGGS and pumpkin spice flavored everything, imagine what the world around us could look like. What if we referenced the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives as often as we referenced our favorite trends of the fall season? What if we shared our passion for God in the same way we share our love for jumping into piles of leaves?

We could also change our perspective in entirety. What if we ditched the leggings and pumpkin spice lattes and walked out in boldness and engaged in a trend that is hidden from the public eye? What if we were so focused on sharing God’s glory that the our fall trends fell behind us and our eyes were opened to the treasures He has waiting for us?

Now, the real question comes: speaking your truth and from your heart – would you give up your leggings and UGGS if that was what God called you to do?

So often, we see others around us demonstrating love and passion for a given purpose and we settle and say, “good enough” when instead God is calling for us to leave everything behind and awaken into a new understanding. It is important for us to keep in mind that He will provide us with new and better gifts for the things we leave behind. One pumpkin spice latte will lead to another, but the joy of the Lord remains in our heart forever.

Delaney and I sharing our love for fall at Crane’s Apple Orchard last Sunday. Photo Credit: Haley Menzies

Discern your calling. Ask God what His plans are for you. You were made to stand out. He created you.

And, imagine this: He loves you even more than you love fall.

Questions? Comments? Comment below or shoot me an email at Want to keep up with what I’m up to? Follow me on Twitter @hopesophie17.

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