Life at Hope College

Christmas Break (Part 1)

Tomorrow, December 18th, 2013, marks my first week of being on break. And let me tell you this, it’s already going by too fast. My brain is still recovering from the extensive studying from finals week; all I need right now is doing nothing, Regardless, it feels so good to be on break. Although I haven’t done much, I’ve been pretty productive around the house, and thats good enough for me. Since last Thursday, my parents have got me doing chores and running errands. Is it weird that I kind of enjoy doing them? It’s probably because it burns up just the right amount of time; I’m neither bored or overwhelmed with things to do. Our house is clean (thanks to me), the driveway is clear of snow (thanks to me), and my parents are happy. When my parents are happy, it’s always a good day!

SIDE NOTE: I just looked up my final grades on KnowHope Plus, and boy am I satisfied. I made it through my Junior fall semester, and in good academic standing! Give yourself a pat on the back, MARV!

Since being home, I had the opportunity to watch 2 of my little bro’s basketball games. He goes to Traverse City Central High School, and is on the freshman team. He is over 6 feet tall, and is baller to say the least. That dude can jump, block, shoot, you name it.

He is a giant.

Here’s a picture of us! It’s hard for me to believe that he’s taller than me. At times, I feel like I’m taller because I’m older, or that could be my denial kicking in. Nonetheless, I hope that I can watch more of his basketball games while I’m home. The school district here has just two more days left until their Christmas break, so maybe just one more!

One thing that I have been doing, so far, during break is running and working out. I am so THANKFUL that we have a “mini” gym in our basement, so I can lift and such. We also have a treadmill, which is awesome. So far, the weather has been awful up here, so I’ve been running on my treadmill. It can get quite mundane, but it’s better than sitting around. Tomorrow, I’m planning to run outside; it would be my first winter run! I’m nervous, but I’ll take a picture for all of you!

That’s week 1 at a glance, friends! I will DEFINITELY post something again before this week ends. For you Hope students reading this, I hope your break is nice and relaxing; we deserve it! For those of you still in school, stick it out! There are only two more days left until break! By the way, here is a shout-out to all of the admitted students for the CLASS OF 2018! You all rock, and you made a GREAT decision by applying to Hope! If you haven’t already, follow me on twitter!

Before I leave, I just wanted to share one more tidbit. As Christmas approaches, we tend to get stuck in our “materialistic” ways, with buying presents, and shopping for ourselves. I am totally guilty of this. It is important for us to remember the reason for the season. Let’s put CHRIST back into CHRISTMAS, ok? Alright everyone, thanks for reading!



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