Life at Hope College

The Trick to Surviving Finals

Hey Everyone,

I am going to share some tips with you on how to survive the devastating week known as Finals.

1. Overprepare

Make sure that for every exam you are going to be taking you study more than you think you need to. I don’t just mean a little more. Make sure its a lot more than you feel.

2. Breaks with Friends

Taking breaks with friends is the most important thing in keeping your sanity. Try making sure it is something active as well. Go play basketball or wally ball. This gets you away from sitting all day, either in your room or in a study room, and gets you to shut your mind off and just have fun with friends who care about you. It will give you an extra boost of energy for studying.

3. Treat Yourself to Treats

If you feel a craving for some food, eat it, it will only calm your nerves. Order a pizza if that comes to mind. Take a walk and get some frozen yogurt. These are all good options to take a short break from studying, but to also re-energize yourself.

4. Get Sleep

Whether you have time to sleep at night or during the day. Sleep. Make time to get sleep and get your rest. It is much needed, whether you think so or not. There comes a point where the amount of study material you are actually retaining does not amount to the importance of sleep.

These are just some tips I would give for surviving Finals week! Thanks for reading, I hope everyone is having a great Christmas break!


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