Life at Hope College

Hey, I’m Home Again!

Home Sweet Hope, as the saying goes.

It’s a new year with new and exciting experiences ahead, and I am psyched to see what God has planned for me in the coming weeks. With this in mind, I figure with the new year starting off, I’ll throw in a reintroduction as well as a recap of my first two weeks of classes.

I’m best known by either Sophie or Soph, depending on the day and depending on who I happen to be talking to. Maybe you had a chance to see some of my posts over the summer, but if you’re new to checking out the Hope College blog, first of all, WELCOME!! and second of all, I’ll reintroduce myself to give you a chance to get to know me better.

I have recently declared a Communication major and Leadership minor (it’s about time, considering I’ve completed/enrolled in 20 Communication credits and 10 Leadership credits), and it has been cool to see new opportunities develop by turning in my official declaration. For one, my face is posted in the Communication hallway on a pretty sweet bulletin board along with my fellow Communication majors. Second, I have a non-academic requirement of my Leadership minor to have a mentor, who I have recently contacted. My heart is so happy.

Over and over again, I see God opening new doors for me to dance through. I’m so lost in His grace. When I walk through the doors of Dimnent each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and on Sunday nights and am surrounded daily by amazing and inspiring peers and professors, I am reminded why the campus of Hope is my favorite place to be.

Here’s a quick glimpse of what my first two weeks on campus have looked like thus far:

First day of school:

Now, I didn’t think I’d begin the first day of my Sophomore year on crutches, but it turns out that the amount of walking talking place on a college campus was something my left leg couldn’t handle right away (side note: I broke my foot earlier this summer). So, I crutched/scootered around, kept practicing my physical therapy exercises, found the elevators in all of the academic buildings, and sweated (a lot, as you can see I’m sweating in this picture) because it was incredibly muggy and, for anyone who has been on crutches, you know how much extra effort it takes to get places. Good news, though – as of yesterday, both of my feet are officially walking!


I could stay at the beach forever, and that’s all I really have to say about that.

Of course, I’ve been doing my homework, calling my family (don’t forget to do that!), and doing plenty of other productive things… but the beach, yeah, that’s my absolute favorite.

Want to continue to keep up with me? Keep up with my blog here, follow me on twitter @hopesophie17, or if you have questions or comments please feel free to tweet at me @hopesophie17 or send me an email at Have a great weekend!

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