Life at Hope College

Finals Week: I’ve been mugged! (Coffee style)

For the past week, I’ve been consuming the life of study, study, studying, with a side of sleep and food. But because the quantities of sleep and food are more limited than I would like, I’ve had to turn to the “typical” college student’s go-to: caffeine. The more I can find it in coffee form, the better.

I’m not a typical caffeine consumer on a regular basis — I usually stick with tea. But I’ve found that once I start to feel a little bit burned-out on studying or a little bit drowsy, a tiny bit of caffeine refocuses my attention on my work and I find myself significantly more productive.

I do have to say, the “week before finals week” hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. With my class load this semester, I haven’t pull an “all-nighter,” as my classes do not call for that (we’ll see how it goes in the future, though!). As long as you study little by little each day the week before the test, you’ll be good to go by the final.

With only a few days left until the final exams begin, I do have to say I’m feeling prepared. I just keep my coffee mug at hand and my notebooks close beside me.

This has been my side motivation to make me giggle throughout the week.:) My study breaks typically contain Pinterest-related motivational quotes and jokes.

What’s your favorite caffeinated drink? Comment below or tweet at me @hopesophie17! Or, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email at

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