Life at Hope College

Club Involvement at Hope

Hope College would not be Hope College without the breadth of clubs and organizations offered. I confidently believe that I would not be the individual I am today if it was not for the transformative ways Hope’s organizations have shaped me as a person. Here at Hope, I am involved in a wide variety of organizations: Greek Life, Students Teaching and Empowering Peers (STEP) program, and the Hope Chemistry Club. Each of these programs has shaped me into who I am mentally, spiritually, and socially.

Greek Life at Hope

The biggest organization that shaped who I am today is Greek Life. Greek life at Hope is unique; We have local organizations that are only known to the college. Instead of being nationally affiliated like most universities, all Greek organizations are unique. The best part of being a part of a local sorority is getting to experience an organization with deep-rooted history here on Hope’s own soil.

Here at Hope, we have five fraternities and seven sororities. I am a part of the Sigma Sigma Sorority. I chose to rush the spring of my Freshman year. This organization has given me a large community of girls who share the same morals and values as me. One of the favorite parts of my organization is having 60 girls who you can lean on any time of the day. These girls have your back on anything — something that helps you build a tremendous community on campus. If you don’t have someone to eat dinner with, someone will show up and eat with you. If you forgot a calculator, don’t worry, one of the girls will be there to help you.

Not only does my Greek life involvement help me build a community socially, it has also given me the opportunity to grow professionally. Within our organization, we have a large variety of leadership opportunities. In my first year, I had the opportunity to be our organization’s PR chair. This position directly correlates to the professional interests I have.

STEP Program

Here at Hope, there are many organizations that challenge social issues. One of them is the Students Teaching and Empowering Peers (STEP) program. This organization works to educate and advocate for interpersonal violence, along with making sure everyone’s voice is heard. I became involved with this program spring semester of my freshman year.

Being part of this program has grown me as a person exponentially. I have had the opportunity to become educated on how to intervene during problematic situations, along with how to support peers experiencing interpersonal violence. This program has provided me the opportunity to become involved in the community. This is through community service events. I find this organization very personally fulfilling becasuse I have the opportunity to be a positive influence and contributor on this campus.

Chemistry Club

Along with the two organizations I mentioned above, the chem club here on Hope’s campus has also played a large part in my experience here at Hope College. The chem club has helped me both grow socially and vocationally. This club has surrounded me with people who think the same as me vocationally and has helped me make a wide variety of friends who have the same professional track.

During the first semester of my freshman year, I struggled with finding meaningful friendships with people who shared the same coursework as me. I found it to be isolating to be struggling with classes, and seeing my close friends not share the same struggles I was having. Being part of the chem club mended that problem, and I had the opportunity to build friendships that have helped me flourish today.

The chem club also has helped me grow professionally. The club regularly holds events that coincide with the chemistry department’s programming, and I have had the opportunity to have lunch with professionals in the chemistry field.

All of the clubs I have mentioned above are such a small fraction of the variety and breadth of organizations here at Hope College. There are so many amazing and life-changing opportunities here on our campus. There is no doubt that you will be able to find a community readily here at Hope!

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