Belén Monteagudo Godoy, Assistant Professor in Physics, and Paul DeYoung, the Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Physics and Physics Department Chair, received a new National Science Foundation award for $382,213. The project is titled Collaborative Research: Equipment: MRI Consortium: Track 2 Development of a Next Generation Fast Neutron Detector.
The objective of this collaborative proposal is to develop a new detector array for fast neutrons that strives to overcome the limitations of current designs and will yield superior position resolution for neutrons. The proposed new detector array will be jointly developed at eight participating institutions – Hope College, Augustana College, Davidson College, Indiana Wesleyan University, James Madison University, Michigan State University, Wabash College and Virginia State University.
The project will build capacities for detector development at each of the participating institutions and expose undergraduate students to the design of scintillation detectors and the use of SiPMs. This project will provide training in mechanical design skills, electronics design, building skills, working with detectors, advanced electronics, data acquisition, and data analysis. All of these skills are critically relevant for the development of the future workforce in nuclear physics.
Congratulations on your latest award, Belén and Paul!