Leah Chase awarded NSF Mid-Career Advancement grant

Dr. Leah Chase, Professor of Biology, Chemistry and Neuroscience, received a National Science Foundation Mid-Career Advancement Award for $269,281 to advance her research program focused on the acute regulation of the cystine/glutamate exchanger, System xc-. The project, MCA Pilot PUI: Use of advanced mass spectrometry techniques to study the regulation of the membrane transporter, System …

A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Hope College is renaming its most important research event of the year to honor the extraordinary generosity of Paul ’67 and Carol Schaap, who have long been ardent supporters of Hope College and the sciences. The newly re-named A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (CURCA) will showcase more …

Hope receives multiple Michigan Space Grant Consortium awards

Congratulations to the 11 Hope College awardees for the 2024 Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) cycle! The awards include four Research Seed grants and seven Faculty-Led Undergraduate Fellowships, totaling $48,000. The awarded projects involve faculty research and collaborative faculty/student research across the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geological & Environmental Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics and Physics. …

Mike Philben awarded prestigious NSF CAREER grant

Michael Philben, Assistant Professor in the departments of Chemistry and Geological & Environmental Sciences, was recently awarded a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant with the National Science Foundation for $507,824. The project is titled CAREER: Detecting warming impacts on carbon accumulation across a climate transect of Michigan peatlands. The National Science Foundation (NSF) …

Belen Monteagudo Godoy and Paul DeYoung receive new National Science Foundation award

Belén Monteagudo Godoy, Assistant Professor in Physics, and Paul DeYoung, the Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Physics and Physics Department Chair, received a new National Science Foundation award for $382,213. The project is titled Collaborative Research: Equipment: MRI Consortium: Track 2 Development of a Next Generation Fast Neutron Detector. The objective of this collaborative proposal …

Kenneth Brown receives new National Institutes of Health award

Kenneth Brown, Professor of Chemistry, recently received a National Institutes of Health award via Purdue University for $137,225. The project is titled Community-academic partnership to address environmental contamination and health. Dr. Brown, along with two undergraduate researchers, will gather data on the contaminant levels of metals and volitle organic compounds in soil and water samples …

Jennifer Blake-Mahmud receives new National Science Foundation award

Jennifer Blake-Mahmud, Assistant Professor of Biology, recently received a National Science Foundation award for $501,356. The project is titled BRC-BIO: The transcriptomics of environmentally-controlled differentiation into male or female in plants. This project will research a special group of plants that exhibit separate males and females – those for which the environment controls the expression …

Erika Calvo-Ochoa and Nathaniel Vorhees receive new award from the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience

Erika Calvo-Ochoa, Assistant Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, and Nathaniel Vorhees, undergraduate, recently received a $1,000 grant from the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience Student Travel Award Program. This award funds Nathaniel Vorhees’ participation in the 2022 Society for Neuroscience meeting, which includes a poster presentation titled “Characterization of the microglial response dynamics in the zebrafish …

Paul DeYoung and Belen Monteagudo Godoy receive new National Science Foundation award

Paul DeYoung, the Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of Physics and Physics Department Chair, and Belén Monteagudo Gody, HFF Teaching Fellow in Physics, received a new National Science Foundation award for $374,577. The project is titled RUI: Nuclear Science with Undergraduate Researchers: Studies of Nuclei at the Extremes and New Applications of Nuclear Techniques. Through this …

Lindsey Root Luna and Isabel Santos receives new Psi Chi award

Lindsey Root Luna, Associate Professor and Department of Psychology, and Isabel Santos, undergraduate student, recently received a Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Grant for $3,500. The project is titled Value and Virtue Alignment Predict Well-Being and Physiology. The purpose of this project is to examine relationships between virtues, values, and well-being in an effort to better …