Public Affairs & Marketing

10 Steps to Building a Better Blog

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Hope boasts over 40 blogs on the college’s blog network ranging in focus from faculty and administrative work to admissions features for prospective students. Public Affairs and Marketing helps maintain our network and serves as a campus resource to help our bloggers improve their site and their posts. We’re here to help you get better at blogging — and to blog more!

Here are some tips for getting started:

  1. Know your audience. Decide who you’re writing for even before you start typing.
  2. Think like your audience. What do they care about? What do they want and need to know? How do they talk and write? Write for them.
  3. What’s your topic? Start with a general topic but know that it can evolve once you’ve started and that is OK! Subheadings are great for breaking up ideas.
  4. Have a lot to say? Simplify your post with a bulleted list or create a series of shorter blog posts.
  5. At a loss for words? No worries. Sometimes a paragraph or two, or even a short list, is all you need to say. Or, if you’re stumped, start by simply ask yourself questions about your topic and then answer them. Voila! You have a new post.
  6. Include a graphic, photo or short video that supports your writing.
  7. Include links to relevant and/or additional information. If you like this post, you might like 12 Blogging mistakes most beginners make.
  8. Publish your post when your audience will have time to read it — and when they expect it. Timing matters. For example, don’t wait until two days before to tell people about your event; And, publish on weekdays if it’s work related (but avoid Mondays and Fridays).
  9. After your post is published, share it to your social media by telling people what’s in it for them. Give your followers a reason to click through. It’s OK to repurpose content over and over, too.
  10. Keep at it! Decide how often your blog needs fresh material and work to follow a consistent publishing schedule. Your followers will come to expect and enjoy your new content on a regular basis.

Still have questions about improving your blog? Contact Elizabeth Council in Public Affairs and Marketing to schedule a consultation. 

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