Off-Campus Study

Health Care Abroad: Tips and Tricks

For those of you curious or concerned, here are some details of my experience with the health care industry while studying abroad, and what I wished I would have known before I stepped in blind.

Everyone has their own idea of their worst nightmare coming to fruition, or their worst case scenario. For me, one of the top ones was getting sick while living abroad and having to get treatment and advocate for my health needs in a different language. And as Murphy’s Law tells us, if anything can go wrong, it will.

Some notes on health care options through IES and some things I wish I had known ahead of time:

My experience

From the first day arriving in Spain, so many things were drastically different from my life in the United States, and the effects of being out of my comfort zone ware exaggerated by the fact I had rarely left my house to do much of anything since the start of the pandemic. Therefore, suddenly being thrust into a world of new food, new places, new people, new time zone, and new language was draining and overwhelming.

I was generally exhausted the first few weeks after arriving, but I attributed it to jet lag and getting adjusted to my new life. However, when the extreme tiredness persisted past a month and was joined by other symptoms such as body aches, loss of appetite, and stomach pain, I knew something just wasn’t right.

I went to the hospital by myself, hoping to quickly and easily fix the problem, where they did a few health tests, prescribed me some medicine to dull my pains, suggested a change in my diet from the residencia food, and sent me on my way. A few weeks later, nothing had gotten better, and I had developed a terrible cold on top of my previous symptoms.

Brooke vs the hospital Round 2 *ding ding*

This time, I shared with Cristina (the head of our residence) that I was planning on going to the hospital again to seek answers and hopefully a better solution than before. She already knew that I had been struggling with my mental and physical health since arrival, and wanted to make sure I was being properly taken care of. She drove me to the hospital this time, waited with me, and talked to the health professionals with me. She also comforted me when I got lightheaded from getting my blood drawn for testing. I did have to stay quarantined in my room for 4 days until we received a negative COVID test just in case. During this time, Cristina brought me my meals, hot soup, and chocolate to soothe my cold and make me feel better. Finally, around the 2 month mark since arriving, I began to feel better and more normal.


I definitely did not want to spend my first two months of studying abroad to consist of me recovering from ailment after ailment, but sometimes that’s just the way life goes. I’m very grateful that I am feeling much better now and seem to have my health in check, and now have the knowledge I gained from my experience to try to lend a helping hand to others who may find themselves in similarly tricky situations.

Some of the tips listed above may seem self explanatory, but for me, it was one of my first times ever going to a hospital, much less dealing with an insurance company while juggling school and extra curriculars in a different language. I learned a lot from the experience, and I hope that you can learn from my mistakes if you ever need to get medical attention abroad.

Stay healthy, folks!

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