Off-Campus Study

Stickin’ Around Auckland

Such a beautiful view from the top of Lion Rock at Piha Beach.
Such a beautiful view from the top of Lion Rock at Piha Beach.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been busy with essays and other tedious assignments for my courses. It hasn’t been easy balancing all of my school work with travel and adventures. I decided to buckle down and limit my travels to short day trips outside of the city for the last two weekends.

I was under the impression that most of the natural beauty in New Zealand was quite some distance from the city. Little did I know, West Auckland is home to some of the most beautiful beaches that I have ever seen. One day we drove out to Muriwai Beach, where the cliffs overlook the Tasman Sea. The beach was only 30 minutes from the city, yet it felt like I was hundreds of miles away from urban civilization.

Cliffs overlooking Muriwai Beach.

Another short trip outside the city that I have had the pleasure of doing a couple of times now is Piha Beach. Piha is on Auckland’s west coast as well, roughly 20 minutes south of Muriwai. The beach just so happens to be the birthplace of surfing in New Zealand. I have been lucky enough to be able to surf there and although the tide is wildly strong, it is an absolute blast. I am finding myself to be continually amazed by the beauty of this country. Even right outside the city, there are some great finds.

The surf at Piha. The waves may look small, but they were vicious!


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