Off-Campus Study

Horse Therapy

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to participate in horse therapy with a few members of Veritas’ Special Needs Club. Usually on Wednesday mornings I go with David and Mia (the Elderly Club supervisors) on elderly home visits, but there was an unexpected open seat in the van going to the horse ranch, and I was excited for the opportunity to experience something new. Plus, I love being outside and being around horses! Jill and I were the two students that joined the outing, and we had three club members participate that day. Gita, the club supervisor, helped lead the horses around the course while Maria, the horse ranch owner, led a few games and balancing exercises for the club members to participate in while riding the horses.

The group
Henny (in the pink) loved leading the horses just as much as riding!

It was a beautiful morning for horse-back riding, and by all of the smiles I could tell that everyone thoroughly enjoyed their time with the horses. Jill and I were even able to ride for a few minutes – together!! Haha it was a lot of fun, and a unique experience because I had never ridden without a Western saddle before. On the horse, we sat on a mat with a handle, but without stirrups! And I loved that!

Henny enjoying her ride!

Jill and I both have experience with riding horses, and because we only live a few miles away from Maria’s ranch, she invited us to come back and ride whenever we wanted to. Jill and I are planning on taking her up on that offer this Saturday. 🙂 It was a fantastic morning, and I am grateful that I had the opportunity to participate! Perhaps I have a future in horse therapy?? Haha anything is possible.

Hope you’re having a great day!

Marga =)

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