Off-Campus Study

Closing A Chapter

Well, this is the end of this journey. Once again, I am so thankful to have had this opportunity and will be forever changed by it. I spent much of this past week wrapping up final projects both within my classes and at my internship, and it was very bittersweet. It was really weird to start saying my goodbyes, as I felt like I just got there. It was also a strange feeling to see everything packed up in our room, and it wasn’t until that moment when it really sank in that I was done.  

a mostly packed room :l
a mostly packed room :l

On our last night with everyone there, our big friend group decided to go out for drinks one last time. Half of us accidentally showed up to the hangout in blue jeans and a black shirt, so the rest decided to change so that we would all match. It was pretty funny, and was sad at the same time. It’s weird to think that I may never again see these people that I have spent the past four months getting to know, but I look forward to seeing what all of them are able to accomplish in their respective careers. 

matchy matchy

I feel like I have already talked a lot about what I have learned in the past few months, so I will instead wrap up this blog with what is next for me. I do have one more year at Hope, and I hope to find some more internships to do within the area that further help me decide what I wish to do after I graduate. I know that I would like to move back to Chicago at some point, but at this point I am uncertain as to when that would be. I would like to close this by saying that if any of you readers ever have any questions about studying off campus or participating in the Chicago Semester, please feel free to contact me! My instagram is maciemuntter, and I would love to discuss my semester in further detail with anyone. Until then, happy summer!!

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