Off-Campus Study

A Day in the Life

Today’s blog will be all about one day in Chicago, and I think it represents how much can be done in one day here. We finally had our first really nice day here in Chicago, and we got so lucky that it also happened to fall on a Saturday. Temperatures were reaching 70, and everyone was spending time outside. We decided to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo, and it was actually a lot better than I expected it to be. I’m not a huge fan of Zoos, but it seems like they are doing good work there. This zoo is also free to the public, and this allows everyone to educate themselves and appreciate nature, which I think is especially important living in such a big city. 

cute little pygmy hippo!!
cute little pygmy hippo!!

After checking out the zoo for a few hours, we decided to head over to the Navy Pier. The Pier was hosting a Brazilian Festival/Carnival, and was stated to have live music and traditional foods, so of course we needed to check it out. It was a lot busier than I expected it to be, but it was a really cool experience. We got there right before the final group was about to perform, so we grabbed some snacks (street corn!) and grabbed a seat to watch the group. Afterwards, we decided to walk the rest of the pier, and then walked back to our apartment. The walk from the Pier to Canterbury is actually a really nice walk, and takes only about 40 minutes and is all along the lakeshore. 

street corn from the festival :p

By the time we got back to Canterbury, it was sunset time, so we sat on the edge by the water and got to see the colors of the sky change. This was a very relaxing thing to do, and something that I think I take for granted everyday. It started to get cold pretty quickly, so we then decided to go get dinner at one of our favorite restaurants close to Canterbury- Hopsmith. I have written about Hopsmith before, they are known for their tacos and mozzarella sticks. Yum. We then finally went home, and I realized that I had spent almost 10 hours out in the city. It was a very relaxing day, and I didn’t realize how much the weather could really influence one’s mood and day. Everyone was happy that Saturday, and I hope we have more days like this soon.

happy end to the day


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