Off-Campus Study

Study in study abroad?

Wait, what? There’s studying in study abroad? Yes, there is! Let me assure you that school does not go away. However, even though I still have homework, projects, and exams, it is definitely different from Hope College. To begin, all of my classes are in Spanish. This was a big transition for me. During the first few weeks I felt overwhelmed and frustrated that homework took longer than normal and I couldn’t fully understand the lectures, but since then, I have adjusted to the constant Spanish. Second, the hours are not what I am accustomed to. During the first 2 weeks in Sevilla, all CIEE students were required to enroll in a mandatory 2-week intensive Spanish grammar class which lasted 3 hours every day Mon-Fri. My class was from 6-9pm, the best time to have class according to my professor. There’s nothing more exciting than conjugating verbs in the vosotros subjunctive at 9pm on a Friday night, as long as it is celebrated afterwards with a trip to La Abuela ice cream.

The first day of class, my professor introduced herself using her first name. It’s interesting that in Spain, when a student addresses the professor, it is normal to use his/her first name. There is no formality of using señor/señora or profesor/a. In the United States, it’s customary that students speak to professors using “professor” or “doctor” followed by their last name. Even by the end of the 2 weeks, I couldn’t bring myself to call my professor Ana.

One aspect of study abroad that I am incredibly grateful for is the amount of outside of class activities assigned. Throughout the 2-week course we were required to do three activities outside of the classroom and write an essay about each one. The first activity was to conduct an interview of students at the University of Sevilla. This definitely ranks in the top 10 most awkward study abroad moments. But I’m glad I did it. I basically walked up to random students and asked them questions, in Spanish, about their goals and aspirations for after college, the cost of tuition (which I discovered is very inexpensive, around 800 euros), and study habits. All of the students were very nice and willing to share some information about their lives. The second activity was a visit to the Museo de Bellas Artes (Museum of Fine Arts) and the third was a visit to the Flamenco Museum. Both were amazing but I think the flamenco was my favorite! I learned all about the traditional Spanish dance including its origins, its many varieties, and the clothing. I was even able to see a flamenco show! The singer, guitarist, and dancers were fantastic! I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to learn how to dance flamenco in the future!


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