Career Camp: Navigating Your Path

30 day challenges are about trying something new, different, fun, or even a little outside of the box every day for 30 days. Ironically, it only takes 30 days to form a new habit. The Boerigter Center seeks to empower students for their next best step and has put together a 30 day program to do just that. We …

Hope Students Participate in Data Analytics Software Certification

This summer I have had the opportunity to participate in a new skills certification program provided by the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career and the Van Wylen Library. Through a series of online training modules, I am learning how to use a software platform called Tableau.  Tableau is an analytic software that focuses on …

We’re here for you! COVID-19 Employer Update and Resources

To protect the well-being of our staff, students, and employer partners, Hope College has moved to online operations through April 13, 2020. Please note that this date may be subject to change as the college continues to monitor the situation and follows guidelines from Michigan’s governor. All on-campus recruitment events (interviews, tabling, employer visits, etc.) …

Our New Platforms: Electronic Resources for Your Journey

There are so many new platforms that The Boerigter Center for Calling and Career has been rolling out in the past year! Which one should you use? When searching for an internship or career after college, there are so many different places to begin looking. It can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know …

Speed Dating to Career Fair: Finding Transferable Skills in Unusual Places This Valentine’s Day Career Fair 101

With Valentine’s Day tomorrow, you may have some plans; maybe you are going out on a date, hanging out with friends, or chilling in your room with some nice chocolate, some tea, and a good movie. Whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope that you are looking forward to the Career and Internship Fair …

Make Connections! Boerigter Center Events and Programs Spring 2020

Hey students – Two words that summarize everything going on at the Boerigter Center this semester: Make Connections! Years ago, I was living and working in the Detroit area, keeping an eye out for an opportunity to move to West Michigan to be closer to family. I applied online for various jobs with little success. …

So you want to be a Graduate Assistant?

When weighing graduate school options one opportunity students should look to consider is a graduate assistantship in athletics. It is a great way to earn money while in school and also gain invaluable experiences in your field.  Graduate assistants are very important to a collegiate sports team, and because of that the NCAA has bylaws …

Senior Christmas Break Checklist

The holiday break is almost upon us. For some of you, this may be the first time you’re experiencing the joys of the long-awaited Christmas and New Year’s break from the busy schoolwork and extracurricular meetings. For others, this may be the final time you’ll be getting time off before launching into the next season …

Parent to Parent: Helping Your Student Navigate Their Vocation and Calling

So your son or daughter returned home for the holidays! You are so excited to see them only to have that dampened by mounds of dirty laundry, late night comings and goings, and an expressed lack of direction toward a major and career path. The laundry is a long but simple fix. Reminders about expectations …