Vicki Brunn ’84 Brings Experience and Adventure to Alumni Association Leadership

Scott_Vicki_2015As a 23-year-old and recent Hope graduate working for my alma mater, I anxiously awaited my first official “alumni visit”. The date was October 9, 2006 and the place was a popular bohemian hangout, the Rose Café, in Venice (think L.A. beaches and boardwalks, not grand Italian canals and mazelike streets). I was in California for a Hope event and had time for a quick breakfast appointment before flights back to a much colder Michigan. My goal was to meet and thank a 1984 alumna who had been supporting the Hope Fund consistently since graduation. I didn’t know then that I would create a meaningful connection with an amazing person I have the pleasure of working with still today.

The typical alumni biography for Vicki Brunn ’84 is impressive enough. She has been senior counsel at Amgen, a biotechnology company, since 2007. She completed a masters degree in child development at University of California-Davis in 1988, and a law degree at Loyola in 2004. Her career experience has included serving as a senior child life specialist at UCI Medical Center; as coordinator of child life services at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center; and as an attorney with two different firms. She has provided pro-bono public counsel and is a past vice president of the board of directors of the Starlight Children’s Foundation. At Hope she majored in psychology and minored in economics. She was involved as a student with the Alpha Gamma Phi sorority, Nykerk, the Anchor newspaper and the pep band.

Alumni Board members on campus

However, typical biographical summaries rarely tell the whole story. When I met with Vicki almost a decade ago she shared that she would like to get more involved at Hope. So she did. In 2011 she joined the Alumni Association Board of Directors. She also shared that someday she would like to start an endowment. So she did. In 2012 she established the Teresa Emeline Brunn Psychology Fund, providing resources that empower Hope students to explore foster care and children’s advocacy.

At one point, she decided she would like to summit Mount Kilimanjaro. So, 19,341 feet later, she did. Classnotes1984BrunnVictoriaSummit_HCLater, she decided that she would like to foster elephants. So, through the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, she did. Ishanga and Kibo are now rescued and protected in Kenya thanks to her philanthropy. This year, she was asked to serve as president of the Hope College Alumni Association. We’re glad she agreed to do that too.

To learn more about the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the programs they support for Hope alumni, visit

Call for Courageous Action by David Paul ’10

DavidPaulMLKChapelDavid Paul will return to his alma mater to deliver this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Lecture at Hope College, presenting “Dare to Be BOLD” on Monday, January 18, at 7 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The public is invited. Admission is free.

David Paul is a 2010 Hope graduate who is an M.D./M.S. candidate and Academic Research Track Fellow at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is actively engaged in several initiatives to increase the number of compassionate and culturally competent physicians from underrepresented backgrounds who are dedicated to serving in their communities. He has received national recognition as both a researcher and for his commitment to service.

In his address, he will examine King’s early life and career, focusing on King’s example in leading courageously against injustice even when his own life was threatened. Paul will additionally reflect on his own experiences in encouraging those in the audience—especially students—to discern how they can apply their own gifts in meeting needs in the world.

A native of Grand Rapids, Paul graduated from Hope with a chemistry major.  While at Hope, he served as student body president during the 2008-09 academic year. He conducted biophysics research in the laboratory of Dr. Brent P. Krueger and was awarded a Cyberinfrastructure Experiences for Graduate Students (NIH-CIEG) Fellowship to study under Dr. Ross Walker at the San Diego Supercomputer Center-University of California, San Diego.

He began his studies at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in August 2010, and matriculated into the Academic Research Track Honors Program in Neurobiology and Anatomy in 2013.

During his Academic Research Track fellowship, Paul chaired the fourth Annual Student National Medical Association pre-medical conference, which attracted more than 200 educators, clinicians and underrepresented students from area high schools, colleges and medical schools—exposing the students to careers in medicine. Using the conference as a model, he also co-founded the Minority Male Leadership Association in response to the nine-percent four-year high school graduation rate of minority students in Rochester, New York.

Paul’s academic interest is in neuroscience. More specifically, he studies how the brain heals itself after injury from strokes, traumatic brain injuries and brain tumors.

Recently, his work was featured as the cover article for the December 2014 issue of “Science,” and he has appeared on the NPR-affiliate radio show, “Connections,” as a “Notable scientist under the age of 30.”  During his research tenure, he has also helped several minority undergraduate students obtain competitive summer research funding and subsequent acceptance into medical schools across the country.

Earlier this fall, Paul received The William and Charlotte Cadbury Award from the National Medical Fellowships and Association of American Medical Colleges, presented annually to a senior medical student in recognition of outstanding academic achievement, leadership and community service. Upon graduation, he will begin his medical career as a resident physician in neurosurgery.

Paul’s presentation is sponsored by Herman Miller Inc. and the college’s Office of Multicultural Education and multicultural student organizations, and is taking place as part of the college’s annual Civil Rights Celebration week. The week, running Monday-Saturday, January 18-23, honors all persons and groups who have worked toward the advancement of civil rights and social justice, and is organized in conjunction with the national commemoration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The week will include a variety of additional activities for the campus community, including a panel discussion by leaders of multicultural student organizations on Thursday, January 21 from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm in the Maas Conference Center and “Hope Serves” on Saturday, January 23.

First-Year Student Shares #GivingTuesday Impact


Scott Binder
Scott Binder ’19

Destini Pulido ’16, a senior at Hope, shared highlights from her Hope experience in a post just prior to Thanksgiving. Today, on Giving Tuesday, first-year student Scott Binder ’19 shares his goals and aspirations for his own Hope experience and how your philanthropic support makes it possible.

Scott is a first generation college student and scholarship recipient from Zeeland, Michigan involved in cross country and track. Inspired to be a doctor, Scott intends to major in chemistry or biochemistry. He says, “I love Hope because the community atmosphere is unlike any other college I visited. I love the close connections I am making with so many on campus, including my professors and coaches.”

MIAA Jamboree Cross Country event
Scott at the MIAA Cross Country Jamboree

He shares that in the years ahead he looks forward to growing deeper in his faith and to making lifelong friends. He’s excited to challenge himself to try new things, including studying abroad. He has made it his goal to become the best leader and friend he can be.

When he’s not in class or running, you can find Scott playing frisbee golf or hammocking in the Pine Grove (maybe a little less now that it’s December). No matter where you find him, Scott knows that he is here because of the generosity of others. For the occasion of Giving Tuesday, he was motivated to share more about his plans as a student:

Giving Tuesday has become a day dedicated to giving back. People and organizations around the world will come together for the common purpose of celebrating generosity and giving. Combine your gift to Hope with those from more than 8,000 others who share a strong commitment to the college. Together, we can make an even greater difference for students like Scott.


Learn more about giving to Hope College at and don’t forget to share your own @HopeCollege #Hope150 #GivingTuesday story on social media.

Members of the Hope community are generous beyond their financial giving. Save the date of Saturday, January 23 for the first ever Alumni Day of Service in honor of Hope’s year-long sesquicentennial celebration.

Destini Pulido ’16 Shares Hope. So can you.

150528DestiniPulido0001Destini Pulido ’16 will graduate from Hope College in May. As she walks across the stage and receives her diploma, she will be able to look back with pride at a full and meaningful Hope experience.

With no disrespect to her hometown of Eaton Rapids, Michigan, she shares that coming to Hope was one of the best decisions she has made. To Destini, Hope has become her second home.

Like many of today’s students at Hope, she keeps a full schedule. In addition to learning within the context of the liberal arts curriculum and working toward a double major in psychology and sociology, she has jumped right in to campus life and hasn’t looked back. She sees it as her job to take advantage of everything Hope has to offer.

During her first year at Hope she was on the Even Year Pull Team as a moraler. Her sophomore year provided the opportunity to not only participate in the Pull again, but join the Dorian Sorority, International Relations and Orientation. Throughout the rest of her time at Hope she has participated, often as a leader, in Ready for Life, Campus Ministries, Hip Hop Club, Intramurals and the Latino Student Organization. This fall, she continued to make the annual trip to the banks of the Black River, this time as a Pull coach.

As if these activities don’t give her the chance to walk around campus often enough, she joined the Admissions Office as a tour guide. It is inspiring to hear her share her own Hope experience with others that may be just beginning theirs.

No matter where you live, there are students nearby that you could share your own Hope experience with. Join Destini and refer a student at

With more than 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States alone, what makes Hope such a unique option? Well, let’s start with three words: mind, body and spirit. These are the anchors of the Hope College experience.

As you consider who in your life might benefit from attending Hope College, feel free to use these resources:

Why Hope?
Visit Hope
Resources for College Counselors


Meet the Rollenhagens

alumni-sept-150-emailStudies at Hope College extend far beyond the classroom. Whitney Heneveld ’10 Rollenhagen graduated with a degree in accounting and learned the value of relationships at Hope. The dedication of her professors and the relatively small size of the Department of Economics and Business are two factors that quickly helped her build meaningful connections with students and faculty.

Henveld 005It was Whitney’s relationship with Professor Marty LaBarge that led to her first job. Whitney says, “Professor LaBarge had a personal connection with a partner at Beene Garter, who had indicated that the firm was looking to hire a staff accountant. Due to the size, location and culture of the firm, Professor LaBarge referred me. I submitted my resume, completed the interview process and was offered the job. I will always be grateful to Professor LaBarge for her referral. More than that, I am grateful that she took the time to get to know me well enough to know what type of firm and position would be the right fit.”

In her public accounting career, Whitney has had the opportunity to interact with many different people including business owners, corporate controllers, prospective clients, partners within the firm and co-workers with unique backgrounds and experiences. She credits her experiences at Hope with teaching her the value of investing in, and learning from, others.

Whitney’s classmate and husband, Jake, agrees. He says, “During my sophomore year, I began to realize how invaluable the atmosphere at Hope College was and how it would play into my future career path. When I declared my accounting major, I began to develop relationships with my professors. Shortly after, I attended a meeting with the Center for Faithful Leadership (CFL) at Hope. Both of these decisions would ultimately lead me to a successful start to my career at Amway.”

Aug2008NfHCPgs10and11SteveVanderVeenNFH20080618_4490c_LWSOne of Jake’s professors shared a contact at Amway for a potential summer internship. The Career Development Center provided Jake with the necessary tools, particularly interview preparation, to help him make the most of this opportunity. That, combined with public presentation classes and experiences with CFL, landed him the internship and ultimately a full time career.

Jake reflects, “My involvement in CFL allowed me to work as a student consultant and learn from a leader in the community, Virgil Gulker. I learned how to be a self-driven leader and find solutions to problems within an organization. I specifically worked with the Allegan County Community Foundation to develop recommendations on how to more efficiently provide food for low income families. These experiences have helped me immensely in my career.”

Jake and Whitney have been in the work force for over four years and have been able to use the skills that they developed at Hope, not only through courses, but just as importantly through the experiences provided outside of the classroom.

No matter how long ago you graduated, there are Hope career resources available to you today. Make your own career connection at