Life at Hope College

What to Expect When You’re Expecting… High School Graduation

A lot of people have been asking about what to do between the awkward, busy, chaotic, weird gap between high school and college. I remember being there. It was strange. I had all of this energy to put toward my new school, but I wanted to finish out my time at my high school. As much as I wanted to get involved at Hope, there was nothing I could do yet, as I wasn’t on campus, and 8 months out from the school year starting.

I literally creeped so many blogs, academic pages, reviews, professors, etc from Hope, just to try and pull Hope a bit closer to the in-between phase I was in.

So, retrospectively, here are some things I wish I would have done as a second semester (second/third trimester) senior before I went to college, in no specific order. P.S. My number one tip is the last one 🙂 Enjoy.:


Here it is:

JOB SHADOW: Oh my gosh. I can’t tell you how helpful it was for me to job shadow. I had a good idea of the field I wanted to go into as a senior. And LET ME TELL YOU. There is a ladder of difficulty when shadowing professionals. As you go up the academic food chain (i.e. high school, undergrad, professional/graduate school, etc) it becomes increasingly difficult to shadow in the real world because people seem to think that because we are learning a ton of new skill sets, WE WANT TO TRY THEM OUT. Well, it’s probably true in some cases. I wouldn’t mind doing brain surgery right now, but that’s beside the point. See if your dreams and future plans really do lie where you imagine them to be. Maybe you’ll find something better along the way!

TIP: If you’re bored job shadowing, you’ll probably be bored working there. Just sayin’.

Have questions, tips for blog posts, crucial details I forgot to mention, or something else you suggest I add to my list?? Email me at or tweet me @hopeamanda15.


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