Life at Hope College

Relay for Life

This past weekend I participated in Hope College’s annual
Relay for Life event for the first time. Students from different groups around campus come
together in teams to raise awareness and money for cancer. Along with ten other
girls (three of them my roommates), we stayed up all night walking, playing
games, dancing, and having a blast!

a college, Hope was able to raise over $45,000. It’s exciting to know that we
made a small contribution in helping those who have cancer or will have cancer.
The team that I participated on actually came in third place for the most money
raised, thanks to our great team captain, Hilary (also one of my roommates).

Relay for Life is centered on a very serious topic, the committee in charge
knows how to help students have fun. Every team has a campsite to set up and
decorate. We didn’t decorate our campsite but we did furnish it with pillows,
blankets, lawn chairs, and a coffee table. When we weren’t walking on the track
we all played games or chatted around the coffee table.

the end of the night (or morning), I calculated how far I walked in twelve
hours. Ready for this? I walked 35 miles!! When Relay was over I didn’t really
think about how sore I would be, but let me assure you, when I attempted to
climb onto the top bunk a few minutes later, I realized that walking 35 miles
does have a down side.

for those of you who are considering Hope or already attend Hope and are
looking for an activity to get involved with, I highly suggest Relay for Life. 

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