Life at Hope College

My Love Affair with Cool Beans

I’m not sure how it started. I’m not sure when it started. All I know is that it’s here to stay. What could I be talking about? My new obsession with all things coffee.

I didn’t grow up as a coffee drinker or in a coffee drinking household. My parents, in accordance with Ugandan culture and pretty much all Ugandans, drink multiple cups of tea on a daily basis. I don’t think I have ever seen my parents go a day without drinking tea in my entire life. My mother tried her best to get to me drink tea in middle school and high school by mixing in milk and all kinds of spices. Alas, her efforts were in vain. I resisted tea like the plague. At the same time, some of my friends were becoming coffee fiends. I would always hear them talking about trips to Starbucks and Biggby, ordering things like espressos and Americanos. Even after all of my recent coffee drinking, I’m still not sure I know what those are. So, as you can tell, I stayed as far away as I could from any hot beverage despite the efforts of many.

But, here I am, sipping a Pull with extra chocolate from Cool Beans and I could not be any more content. Coffee drinks have become somewhat of a crutch for me. I know that when I have a long day of studying ahead of me, I can make my way to Cool Beans and get a nice little (or grande) pick-me-up. Or, I can go for there for those times that I just need to procrastinate. No matter what the reason, the yummy drinks always make my day a little brighter.

Something else I’m getting used to is the idea of coffee dates. I had never heard of them or had one before coming to Hope, so my first ones were slightly awkward. I would be listening to the person I was with, but internally be asking myself questions like, ‘Is it ok to take a sip now?’ or ‘Should I keep holding onto my cup even though its empty?’ I’m weird, I know. Now, there are just like second nature to me because I have them so frequently. This week alone I’ve had three. It may not sound like much, but fitting even one coffee date into my jam-packed schedule is a success for me. And I already have one lined up for next week. Obsessive, much? Maybe. 

I wouldn’t call this an addiction. At least not yet. And you certainly wouldn’t hear me complaining if it did turn into one.


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