Life at Hope College

Growing at Hope

Hey Everyone!

I’m almost through my second week of classes and feel like this semester is already flying. My classes are awesome, and my professors are a lot of fun. One thing I really enjoy back at Hope is Chapel. Hope’s Chapel services are always packed with people that welcome an inviting and loving community.

I learn so much from attending the Chapel services which occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:30-10:50. There are no classes scheduled at this time so that everyone has the opportunity to attend. The Gathering occurs every Sunday night at 8 PM. Hope creates an environment where students can grow spiritually. Below is a quote from Hope’s Dean of the Chapel, who I enjoy listening preach. 

“They shall be like trees planted by streams of living water…” This is my daily prayer, adapted from Psalm 1, which captures my deepest desire for each person in the Hope community. I painted my study shades of green to help us remember this prayer and to trust that God’s business is often one of slow growth formation. I need this reminder daily. Maturity doesn’t happen over night. And God does the growing, not us. As Hopes Dean of the Chapel, the best I can do is tend and keep the soil conditions for mature gospel growth. It is experiencing this growth that gives me hope. It is inspiring to be in the presence of a generation of women and men who sink roots deep into the dark soil of the gospel, even as they spiral upwards towards the light of Christ. It is in this vision that together, as a community of Hope, we will be like a mature forest, growing in the symbiotic mystery of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.”

— Trygve Johnson, Dean of the Chapel

Hope does an awesome job of bringing in a variety of different speakers for students to learn from. In the spring semester four senior students are chosen to give their own senior witness talk in chapel. I really have enjoyed listening to their talks and am looking forward to the senior witness speakers this spring. 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

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