Life at Hope College

Jesus People USA

Hello Everyone!

I hope all is well and you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I’d like to share with you about my trip with the youth group I help lead at Third Reformed Church. The trip took place in Chicago with 12 students and 5 leaders. We left on Friday and stayed with Jesus People USA. Our experience was very unique and a lot was learned through this service learning trip. If you’d like to learn more about Jesus People USA check out their website.  

“Jesus People USA (JPUSA for short) is both a church AND a community. For what is church, but people, the body of Christ. Definitely the lines which usually separate our Sunday self from who we are the other six days of the week get blurred. It is a place to discover who you are and to be challenged to live an authentic life in Christ.”

— Jesus People USA

The community there was definitely unique, and it was cool to see a completely different way of living. Our group toured where they lived and helped out at their soup kitchen and free clothing store. The leader from Jesus People USA challenged us not to sit with our friends at meals, but rather sit with people from the community or those who live in the shelter. I enjoyed talking to people and hearing about their lives. 

Our youth group also bonded together. It was my first time going on a trip with them, and I really enjoyed getting to know them! I am so blessed I have this opportunity to hang out with them. I’m hoping as the year goes on we continue to get closer and hang out together.

Hope you have a blessed week!


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