Life at Hope College

Howdy Y’all!

Hello everyone and Welcome to my blog! My name is Chelsea Barfield and I am one of Hope College’s Student Bloggers. Since we have begun a new school year, I thought that it might be helpful if I introduced myself to the new readers. Here are some interesting facts and things that you might not know about me.

Hometown: Dallas, Texas is my hometown. I love the south but the midwest is pretty great as well. Because I am from Texas enjoy the different seasons that Michigan has to offer. Unlike Texas, where the seasons are summer and more summer, I love the colors of the leaves in the fall and the crunch of snow in the winter.

Why I chose Hope College: My college search took me in many different directions. Ultimately, I knew that I wanted a small college where I could develop lasting relationships with students and faculty. Hope College offered me the opportunity to develop those relationships and learn in an environment where I felt like I could succeed. Throughout my time at Hope I have never once regretted decision my travel over 1000 miles for college.

Major: During my time at Hope, I have changed my major several times. When entering college my goal was to find a major where I felt like I could help others and make the greatest impact in peoples’ lives. My first year I studied nursing. Now, I am an Accounting and Management double major with a Organizational Leadership minor.

Year: I am technically a senior this year, however, because of the addition of a major I will be staying an extra year. So, I guess I could say that I am a repeat junior.

Highlight at Hope College: Hope College offers its students some pretty amazing opportunities. My highlight will studying at this great institution was studying in London for a month this summer. I was able to travel with 11 other students and 3 faculty members around London and Paris.

Hobbies: Some of the things that I have been involved with at Hope College include:

Thank you for reading my first blog post! Make sure to check back for more updates on life at Hope College! Oh, and if you use Twitter, make sure to follow me (hopechelsea15) and the Hope College Student Bloggers!


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