Life at Hope College

Dorm Life vs. Cottage Life

Hey Everyone!

As I have mentioned before, I now live in a cottage with 7 other good friends. We all knew each other before living together because we were able to choose the people in our house. I thought it would be a hard adjustment to go from living in the dorms to living in a cottage. Although it has been an adjustment, it isn’t as hard of an adjustment as I thought. It is different because there are less people around, but we still have a strong community. We are now able to deepen our friendships with each other. Every Sunday after church we have a family brunch together and gather around the kitchen table. We cook in pairs and switch off cooks each week. Even though we have only had two brunches, it is already my favorite part of the week. 

I also enjoy cooking and eating when I wish. Cooking relaxes me, and I enjoy finding new recipes online and inviting people over for dinner. Tonight I cooked dinner for Grace and I, and we managed to eat every bite. However, I miss eating in Phelps and seeing a variety of people. I still eat at Phelps occasionally with a friend’s guest pass. The food in Phelps is so good! I definitely miss having a variety of foods at my finger tips, but now it is easier for me to practice self control while eating because I don’t have desserts in the house.

I miss walking down the hallway of a dorm and seeing people with their doors propped open. Now I have to make more of an effort to see my friends who I do not live with, but so far I have still been able to study with other friends and hangout at different cottages. I feel so much older and independent living in a cottage. We have to cook and clean up all of our own messes. Thankfully, Hope provides us with cleaning supplies and a very nice place to live. In a future blog I plan on giving a tour of my cottage. We are currently still in the process of decorating, but I’ll post pictures soon 🙂

Well I am off to study with my roommate. We have a wonderful calming atmosphere in our room. I love talking with her and just hanging out in our room together. We have already formed so many great memories 🙂

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