Life at Hope College

Becoming a HIPster

Well. We are now back at Hope. This semester seems lighter and better already. Maybe it gets easier with experience, or maybe we are just getting used to the pressures of college and mastering time-management.

My first day back was quite a challenge. Over break I had a labral repair and removal of osteocytes on my right hip, a medical problem that has been causing issues for me for quite some time. Though I am feeling a lot better than I did, I am still on crutches and getting around is not very fun for my poor, pathetic, tired, and very sore body.

Being a pre-med student, my story is actually pretty funny. I mysteriously developed right abdominal/pelvic pain over the summer (June-ish) and had many ER and doctor visits checking for intestinal, appendix, and other organ problems. However, everything came back normal.

In October, I shadowed Dr. Carl Wierks (See my blog post here). I thought his labral repairs were so awesome, and after learning more about symptoms and possible causes, I thought I might be on to something. Though my symptoms were a tad different, they were very similar. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Wierks and a week later, he had discovered bilateral osteocyte growths causing inflammation and labral tares, the source of my continual pain!

Though I was resting and working on recovering and getting my hip back in motion all break, I still managed to have a good time with family and friends. Check out a few of my pictures from break!

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