Life at Hope College

As Told By Instagram [Part 1]

Hello again everyone! The first few weeks at Hope have been really eventful and busy, but I’ve been trying to capture as many of these cool happenings around campus on camera as I can. Unfortunately, I’m not the best at doing that, but I thought it would be fun to share a few of the pictures I have been able to take since I left for school! These are a few of the photos that made it out of the bottomless pit that the camera roll on my phone tends to turn into and were posted on my Instagram!

August 22

The night before I left for Hope, my best friend Katelin and I spent some time together and did what we always do… EAT. We’re all about prioritizing. 🙂 She is a senior in high school this year and she’s hoping to come visit me at school soon (once she finishes tearing it up during cross country season!), so I’m super excited for that!

August 23

While my family was driving up to Holland, I was feverishly trying to label everything in our car to make sure it all got to the right dorm room. I guess I got a little carried away because I ended up labeling my dad. He didn’t notice.

August 24

Here is a little glimpse of my dorm room! It’s laid out a little differently now, but this is what a corner of it looked like when I first moved in. I was kind of overwhelmed by the fact that I was finally actually at Hope. Overwhelmed in the best way though!

August 26

It’s confession time, you guys. I have a little bit of a Pinterest problem. I actually haven’t been on it as much since I came to school, but that didn’t stop me from being really excited about this event that SAC has planned for November!

August 29

If you have never been to Kilwin’s, you are missing out! There’s one really close to campus in downtown Holland and everything I have ever had from there is amazing. One of my friends and I went downtown for the afternoon and our final stop was there, where I ended up with a caramel and dark chocolate covered Oreo.

P.S. If anyone is ever feeling generous, feel free to deliver more of these to Dykstra 224. Not really. But really.

August 30

SAC usually puts on an outdoor movie in the Pine Grove during welcome week, but this year it was raining, so it was held in the Dow gym. We watched The Great Gatsby (SO good) on a huge inflatable screen with a big group of students.

September 1

I am about 95% sure that I just need to take up residence in Nykerk Hall of Music because I spend about a million hours a day in this very spot. I love it though, so I can’t complain! We’re also getting a new music building and I’m super excited about that! It’s supposed to be completed in fall 2015.

September 2

I took this photo of Graves Hall because it’s one of my favorite buildings on campus. It seriously looks like a castle. Hope has such a gorgeous campus! I am so blessed to be in such a beautiful place every day.

September 3

I decided I wanted to decorate my cluster a little bit, so I cut all this out and hung it up! Since then, we’ve added a lot more to make it feel more like home!

September 7

Some friends and I took a Saturday afternoon and went to a mall near Grand Rapids and had dinner downtown. We had such a cool view crossing the bridge by the Gerald Ford Museum!

September 7

These are the lovely ladies I got to have dinner with that night! From left to right, I went with Grace, Sam, Jessica, and Anna (and I’m on the right!). We had a great time and it was so fun to get to know each of them outside of school. We also enjoyed some super delicious quarter-pound burgers. Grace, Jess, and Anna are all in my cluster, and Sam is in the one next door, so it’s great to see them all every day! God has blessed me so much through my cluster and the ones around me! All the girls I’ve met are so great!

I’ll save the rest of my pictures for another post! I hope you are all having a great week and making the most of every opportunity you have no matter where you are in life right now. Leave me a comment to let me know what God is doing in your life and anything else that is new and exciting! Or it can be old and boring. I don’t judge.

You can also tweet at me and follow me! My twitter is @hopekathryn17. All these pictures are from my Instagram, which is katsmeow17. You can also drop me an email with any questions, comments, or thoughts at! I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

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