Life at Hope College

Dance the Night Away (x2)

Hey Everyone!

This past weekend was an absolute blast! On Friday night Volunteer Services put on a dance at Evergreen Commons, an activity center for senior citizens. There were about 200 people there total from both Hope and local retirement homes. I could not believe how much fun I had at a dance with senior citizens. The DJ did an awesome job of playing both contemporary and classic songs. We learned some line dances, and he taught the wobble. I was impressed at how low some of the senior citizens got on the dance floor haha. It was fun to see older women dancing with Hope guys and older men dancing with Hope girls. There were also some awesome snacks and refreshments, and the Hawaiian theme decorations looked great. Since I am on Volunteer Services I was able to help pick out the decorations for the dance. I think everyone had a lot of fun at the dance, and it turned out to be a great fun success.

Some of the senior citizens hitting the dance floor

Lovely Hope ladies

On Saturday night, there was a dance on campus called Club Durf. Club Durf dances are nothing like a typical high school dance. In my opinion they are much more fun. Basically people dress in creative outfits and dance crazily. Saturday’s dance theme was thrift store prom night. Sadly, I did not have time to go to the thrift store so I just picked out a couple of random items from my closet.

I always get a great workout after Club Durf. I feel more worn out after dancing than I do running. After Club Durf we watched The Little Rascals in my friend’s room then crashed.

Ready for Club Durf

This was definitely a great weekend full of activities and fun. I’m starting to feel sad that school is winding down. I cannot believe Easter is already this weekend! I am super excited to spend some time at home with my family and friends.

Have a great week!


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