Life at Hope College

A few of my favorite things

Since coming to college, I have discovered some new things I really enjoy to do. I have learned that taking a break from school and work is definitely necessary. College is such an awesome time in life. You learn so much about yourself and are able to try new things and enjoy time with friends. Holland offers a variety of fun activities. Some things my friends and I have enjoyed this year: 

These are just a few of my favorite things I have enjoyed about Hope this past year. The list of opportunities and fun is endless. I think the part I have most enjoyed about this year is making new friends. I have definitely been able to meet more people as a sophomore and have deepened some new relationships. I am so thankful to be living in such a loving and caring community. The more time I spend at Hope the more I love it. I really do believe that college is the best time of your life. I definitely have been enjoying my college experience, and I cannot wait for even more memories and experiences to come in the future.

Have an awesome day!

Love those coffee shops!

Nothing beats a good pedicure

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