Life at Hope College

Springing in the Spring Semester

All right, time to start a new semester. Grace and I have already made our first trip out to Starbucks. I ordered one of my favorite drinks a decaf venti caramel frappuccino light with my free drink card. I am a Starbucks gold card member so every fifteen drink I buy is free! During break I didn’t order any drinks with caffeine, and I am hoping to continue this trend for a while. Towards the end of last semester, I drank three cups of coffee a day. Now I am trying to cut back and not order as many and try to only have caffeine when I really need it. Visiting coffee shops is probably one of my favorite things to do in college. I love talking with people over a cup of coffee, plus I always accomplish quite a bit of homework while studying at one.  Thankfully, I do not have too much to do for today, because I only had one class so far. This is my schedule for the spring semester:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

9:00-10:20 Research Methods for Psychology

10:30-10:50 Chapel

11:00- 11:50 Financial Accounting

1:00-1:50 Spanish Literature

Tuesday, Thursday

1:30-2:50 Survey of Jazz

Throughout the week I also have different meetings and work in my schedule. I really like my schedule for this semester. I am glad Hope allows for us to take a variety of classes. I haven’t encountered a class that I haven’t enjoyed. The variety of classes allows me to enjoy my semester more, because I am not always working on the same subject. Also, the class variety I have taken is helping me decide on a major. I am not sure what I will officially declare, but I still have till the end of this semester.

Hope you all have great weeks!

decaf venti caramel frappuccino light!


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