Life at Hope College

Hope Round Two!


Year 2 has officially begun. I arrived back at Hope for over a week ago and so much occured. I helped with orientation and absoultely loved it! I met a lot of new people and experienced living on campus with my friends without any homework. If only that lasted the whole year… Oh well, I am really excited for this year. I live in Gimore with m friend Amy, she is one of the RAs for the dorm. Our room feels super homey already and contains several bright colors and lights. 

I also am excited for my classes this semester. I am taking Intro to Bib Lit Old Testament, Spanish VI, Macroeconomics, Intro to Leadership, Jogging, and Tennis. If you could not tell by my classes, Hope is defnintely a liberal arts college. I love taking a variety of classes. Also, many of my friends are in my classes from last year. My roommate and I purposely took jogging and tennis together. My professors also are great this year! Two of them I had last year, and all of them know my name. 

I feel like I am already off to a great start with classes and friends. I have visited the beach several times just within two weeks of living here. I also ate in Grand Rapids with some of my friends on Friday night. We walked around and enjoyed a cute coffee shop. 

This year is going to be great! I already like it better from last year! 

Until next time,


Jumping off the pier at the beach!

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