Life at Hope College

Just Dance, Gunna Be Okay.

Hey Everyone! Happy Hump day! I hope your day is going well. Today I normally have three classes, but only had one, so I am having a great day. I also ran 7 miles and have accomplished quite a bit of homework, so I am feeling great!

The last time I wrote you I talked about my birthday. However Friday was only part of my wonderful weekend. Last Saturday night I went out to Grand Rapids again with some of my friends. We ate at an Asian Cuisine called XO. The food is so good there, I loved it! All eight of us sat at a circle table and enjoyed a fun dinner.

However, it took us about 20 minutes to order our food because we kept taking pictures at the table. Oh well, we are girls.

After dinner we changed into our clothes for a fundraiser rave. The rave was raising money for Building Tomorrow. Hope College is now helping build tomorrow by supporting Building Tomorrow (BT), which is an international social-profit organization encouraging philanthropy among young people by raising awareness and funds to build and support educational infrastructure projects for underserved children throughout sub-Saharan Africa. We helped raise money for children to attend school buy selling bricks at the rave. The cost of one paper brick equaled 27 bricks to help build a school in Africa. Building Tomorrow raised around $500 the evening of the rave.

People were dancing crazy and just having a good time. Some people dressed in African attire, but I only wore a fun tye-die shirt. The event ended as a success. I met some new people, and it was the official first dance party of the year at Hope.

Well, that is summary of my fun birthday weekend. I am so glad I was able to dance and have a good time with my friends. If you could not tell from the pictures, we are all REALLY good dancers =]

Hope you have a great week!

Until Next Time,


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