Life at Hope College

Deck the halls, the doors, and the cookies!

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 
Tis the season to be jolly, 
Fa la la la la, la la la la. 

These are the words that flowed from our mouths on our caroling trip to different retirement homes in Holland. On Wednesday evening Volunteer Services took a group of Hope students caroling to three different retirement homes. We wore our Christmas attire, and the elderly people loved watching us sing.

Volunteer Services also put on a cookie-decorating event at the Warm Friend, another retirement home in Holland. 36 Hope students attended and we sat around tables and decorated cookies with them. Of course, I sat at the table with my dear friend Bob. After we decorated cookies, all of the students and elderly folks gathered around the piano and sang some classic Christmas carols. The elderly people loved singing with us. I met several of them who had once attended Hope or taught at Hope. After everyone left, I walked up to Bob’s room and spent some time in his room with a couple of my friends. Bob showed us some of his Christmas paintings, and he is an incredibly talented painter. My friend Grace and I are hoping to paint with him next week after we finish our finals. I am looking forward to some fun and relaxing time after finals. I finish mine on Wednesday but do not plan on leaving until Friday morning. In a way, I am really looking forward to finals week. Yes, there is a lot of stress and pressure, but there is still time for fun and much needed study breaks. Today I got back my first part of Spanish exam and received a 96 on the oral portion! Hopefully more good grades to follow!

Caroling at the Warm Friend

Our cookie decorating table


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