Life at Hope College

Happy Bob!

 Today I would like to tell you about my friend Bob. He is one of the nicest men I have ever met. He is 89 years old and lives at the Warm Friend in downtown Holland. My friend Grace introduced me to him last year, and she met him through her developmental psychology class. I have spent some time getting to know Bob these past couple months and have enjoyed every bit of it. He was a professor at Hope and has lived in Holland for a while now. The best part about Bob is the joy he brings to others. He has a genuine caring spirit. He always asks how I am doing and always talks about the positive. I really admire his spirit and outlook on life. He always brightens my day and constanly wears a smile on his face. 

Last Thursday evening, my friend Grace and I went out to eat with him downtown. His face lit up when he saw us. We all enjoyed our time together. I wish I could spend more time with him, because I love hearing his stories and learning more about his life. He has so much knowledge and a lot of wisdom. I hope I am as happy as he is when I am older. He appreciates the simple things in life and never complains. I believe we can all learn from Bob and remember not to take life for granted. I am learning to live in the moment and love people who surround me. 

I am so incredibly thankful for Bob!

Bob and I

Bob and Grace

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