Life at Hope College

My Greatest College Experience

One of the greatest influences on where you attend college is hearing from other students currently attending college. Listening to their experiences and stories tells you about the culture of a place. Today, I want to share my greatest college experience with y’all: studying abroad.

Now, I know you’re all thinking that you can study abroad at any college, which is true; however, with the dedication that Hope College professors have to building relationships with students, studying abroad is such an amazing experience.

In 2013, I spent the summer studying in London and Paris. I learned about different cultures, history, traveling, art, architecture, exchange rates, french pastries and economics. Every day was filled with new adventures and experiences that I will never forget.

I travelled with a group of eleven other students (twelve including me) and two professors. We spent time visiting with members of Parliament, Lord Brian Griffiths (Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs and past advisor to Margaret Thatcher), the CFO of Wimbledon, and Herman Miller executives.

When we weren’t in class or meeting with business professionals, we spent time exploring the city. I loved spending time visiting churches, museums, and famous landmarks. Attending theater performances was another favorite part of the trip. There’s something about a night spent appreciating the arts. While I was in London I saw several different shows, including: Les Miserables, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Billy Elliot – all of them were incredible.

Now, I could keep talking about my trip, but I think pictures capture Europe better than any story I could tell. So, enjoy a few of my pictures from London and Paris:

So here’s the thing: come to Hope College. You won’ regret your decision, and one day you’ll be able to tell others about all the amazing experiences that you have at this awesome school.

If you have more questions, feel free to tweet me @hopechelsea15 or email me at

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