Life at Hope College

Adapting to a new environment

Hello, everyone! I am Alan, but my real name is Asan Kosimov, I chose Alan as a second name because it’s easier to pronounce and remember in the West. I’m excited to be here today to talk about a subject that I think is fundamental to not just surviving but thriving in this world: Adaptation. Whether it’s changes in our environment, our lives, or the unexpected twists of fate, adaptation is what makes us resilient. It’s the ability to bend without breaking, to shift without losing our core identity, and to persist when circumstances push back. Today, I want to explore how adaptation plays a critical role in our lives and why it’s one of the most powerful tools we possess. And about my name, here is a good example of adaptation to a new environment.

So, why did I choose this topic? Well, I’m an international student at Hope College, and it’s my first time leaving my hometown to study in another country. And not just anywhere—I’m studying in the USA, a whole 15-hour flight away from my home! (Yes, it’s that far, and yes, my back did hurt after the flight.) Before coming to Hope, I spent a month living in Ohio and to be honest, those first few days were a real struggle. I was in a completely new environment, surrounded by people who spoke differently, acted differently, and lived differently from what I was used to.

My roommate and me

I’ll admit, I faced challenges. From the culture shock to the overwhelming feeling of being far from my family and friends, it wasn’t easy. There were days I questioned if I could adapt, but I didn’t give up. I worked hard, engaged with people, and slowly started to overcome the obstacles in front of me. And I’m not alone in this—so many international students face these same struggles. But what I learned is that adapting, even when it’s tough, is the key to overcoming challenges, no matter where you’re from or where you’re going.

So, what is adaptation, really? From a philosophical standpoint, adaptation is the ability to adjust to new conditions, but it’s much more than that. It’s a mindset. Adapting is about growth, learning, and evolving in response to the world around us. Think of it like this: imagine a river flowing toward its destination. When it hits a rock, it doesn’t stop; it flows around it. The river adapts. It changes its course, but it never loses its flow. Now ask yourself: how many times have you faced a “rock” in your life? What did you do? Did you crash into it or flow around it? Adaptation gives us the power to keep moving forward, even when life puts obstacles in our way. And here’s the big question: Why do some people find it easier to adapt, while others struggle? Is it something we can all learn? (I believe it is!)

Let’s take this a step further. Adapting isn’t just about reacting to challenges. It’s about thriving in the face of them. Think about evolution. Humanity survived and evolved because of its ability to adapt. We didn’t stay stuck in one place or rely on old habits when the environment changed. We adapted. It’s what allowed us to become the dominant species on Earth. And if we can adapt on such a large scale, imagine what we can do in our everyday lives! Whether it’s moving to a new country, adjusting to a new job, or even just learning a new skill, adaptation is what propels us forward. And here’s a reminder I live by: “No matter what condition we face, we need to adapt and overcome since it’s the only way to SURVIVE!”

Adaptation isn’t just about survival. It’s about becoming stronger, smarter, and more resilient. Let me share why this is crucial in everyday life. Without adaptability, we get stuck in our comfort zones. We resist change, and when things inevitably shift, we feel lost. But when we practice adaptation, we’re able to embrace the new, the unknown, and the uncomfortable with open arms. It’s the key to personal growth, problem-solving, and even happiness.

The ability to adapt allows us to deal with the unexpected, because let’s face it, life doesn’t always go as planned. But isn’t that the beauty of it? It’s in those moments of uncertainty and challenge that we grow the most. And when we look back, we realize that adapting was the thing that made us stronger.

Now, I know adapting can feel difficult, but here are five practical tips to make it easier:

  1. Embrace change: Don’t resist change. Accept it as part of life and look for the opportunities it presents.
  2. Stay curious: Always be open to learning something new. Adaptation often requires new knowledge or skills.
  3. Be patient: Adapting takes time. Don’t expect immediate results, trust the process.
  4. Stay positive: A positive mindset will make adapting less stressful and more empowering.
  5. Seek support: You don’t have to adapt alone. Surround yourself with people who can offer guidance, encouragement, or a different perspective.
Portrait “Brick by Brick”
in Keppel House

I’ll leave you with this: the ability to adapt is the key to both survival and success. Every challenge we face, every obstacle in our path, is an opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive. So, next time life throws a curveball your way, remember: “Adaptation is the only way to SURVIVE!”
Thank you.

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