Life at Hope College

Being Happy Where You Are

Beach photos. Tan, with ice cream cones dripping in their henna-tattooed hands. Driving a dune buggy and soaking up some rays.

No, I wasn’t on vacation this past week, but I sure saw a lot of pictures from people who were.

I was at home, taking pictures of my breakfast and my cat and dog, living it up in the clouds and brown grass outside my Detroit suburb home. I got a little bitter and jealous of everyone having a fun-filled vacations.

This is normal, I think, because isn’t it natural for someone sitting around in cold Michigan to wish they could be somewhere warm with friends? Sounds reasonable. But still there’s a part of me that realizes how far this extends into other places in life, such as the college you go to, the job you have, and so much more.

Life’s about being happy where you are. It’s about looking at what’s around you and finding the best in it, making the best of it. I tried to do that over break once I realized where my mindset was. So I made breakfast at midnight with my step-sister, Hannah, for her 22nd birthday (See Taylor Swift’s “22”), exercised, went on trips with my dog, and made homemade donuts. Sometimes you have to make your own adventures.

As I write this I’m in the car on the way back to Holland, and I’m so excited! The sun is warming up and we only have about 5 weeks left. The summer before Hope, I was so excited! Then when I was at school for about the first month, I wanted to be anywhere but Hope. After learning to love the place I’m at, there isn’t anywhere I’d rather be. It just takes some time to adjust : -) Even if you don’t feel okay at the beginning, I guarantee that it will turn around!

For anybody, I encourage you to keep this thought in your mind. For prospective students – remember that the college transition, wherever you go, will not be easy. You’ll find yourself perusing Facebook and wishing you were having as much fun as your friends, when they might be feeling the same way.

Give it time and give it love. : -)

I’m sure my bitter feelings will resurface once I see all of my friends tan faced, but I’ll just think of this post and be glad that I’m one less vacation away from wrinkly skin when I’m old.

If you have any questions for me you can contact me at, through Hope on Facebook, or my Twitter @hopebrooke18! I’d love to answer them!

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